Healthy fast food is now available in the major capitals – and is a total success

In shopping centers, networks are betting on foods that benefit health and even healthy meals delivered to your door ftlauderdale/Miami.

Healthy fast food seems a contradiction in terms, but it is a trend that has been gaining strength in the shopping malls. Research shows that while seeking a quick food, the regulars of food courts are concerned about the nutritional content of your meal and the effect it has on your health. Eyeing this market, new networks are emerging, others expanded their stores and some revamped the menu, switching, for example, the brown rice crisp.

Understand the trends followed by healthy meals delivered to your door ftlauderdale/Miami

There are two strong trends today in power: the” healthiness “, which is the value of what promotes health and well-being, and the sensuality and pleasure, linked to the boom in gourmet market and great chefs. This concern with healthy eating comes in the wake of increased cardiovascular disease and obesity. People are living longer and want to be healthy. Find out more here:

Aligned to these demands emerge networks such as diet meal delivery ftlauderdale/miami, which offers a small kiosk dishes with organic food and signed by a famous chef.

A market in constant expansion

Despite the rapid expansion, the group does not reach 10% of establishments.  However, that today all restaurants bother to offer at least some healthy options. The concern with pleasure and nutrients dosing was limited to patients with diseases such as diabetes and who are overweight. But in the 1990s the concern began to spread.

Let´s take a look at some of the delicious foods you can receive from diet meal delivery ftlauderdale/Miami!


  • Quinoa

Grain source of protein, minerals, vitamins B2 and E. It provides excellent balance of amino acids, one of the best sources of vegetable protein.

  • Wheat germ

Source of vitamins E, B1, folic acid and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. It is a powerful antioxidant for heart health and immune system. The fat predominantly poly-unsaturated assists in the reduction in LDL-cholesterol levels.

  • Oatmeal

Source of soluble fiber, minerals and vitamins.Provides beneficial effects on cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose, satiety and gastrointestinal health. It is part of many receipes delivered by diet meal delivery ftlauderdale/Miami!

  • Chlorophyll

Pigments present in most plants. Studies attribute these plant extracts antioxidant, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activities. More explained here.

  • Linseed

Source 3 and omega-soluble fibers which help in lowering cholesterol. It has insoluble fiber that contribute to good bowel function and prevent constipation.

  • Grape juice

Source of flavonoids, which increase the concentration of antioxidants in the blood and improve coagulation.

  • Tomato, guava juice and watermelon

Presence of lycopene, a red pigment that acts as an antioxidant, preventing cell aging. It is also linked to protection against heart disease and some cancers.

  • Tuna and salmon

Omega-3 sources, which has favorable effect on triglyceride levels, blood pressure, preventing cancer, reducing the incidence of atherosclerosis and positive effects. Another delicious option always present in diet meal delivery ftlauderdale/Miami!